Tuesday, January 5, 2016

Dementia Care

Dementia Care:

When a person lives with dementia, it makes them vulnerable. It is a disease that affects every part of their life – from when they wake up in the morning until they get into bed at night. It can continue after that – leaving them disoriented and scared if they wake up after a bad dream. People living with dementia continually deal with anxiety, depression, and often withdraw from the outside world, creating self-imposed isolation.

Dementia or Alzheimer’s can impact every moment. It can diminish a person’s senses – changing the tastes and aromas they used to enjoy. Sounds that once brought smiles and comfort evolve into just noise. Even what a person sees gets interpreted differently in the brain. What a person living with dementia or Alzheimer’s used to do easily every day now becomes insurmountable challenges. Our Alzheimer’s care finds ways to climb those mountains and provide the quality of life that not only are they used to, but that they deserve.

Homewatch CareGivers' trained caregivers are there help maintain your loved one’s dignity and independence. We feel it’s essential to find ways to ease the emotional frustrations that come with Alzheimer’s disease and dementia-related disorders. These difficulties don’t just affect the person living with the condition, but also the entire family. Trained caregivers bring families closer together so they all can support the person living with dementia.

Because each of our clients is unique, our dementia-care program treats them uniquely. Homewatch CareGivers customizes dementia care plans for each person and our specially-trained memory care experts understand the complexity memory impairments can create in a home.

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